Zhang Dan
Summer came, small grass is pale green and pale green, floret is bright red and bright red, fresh and green the mountain ridge that is about to drip. The wild flower on the ground left, have red, yellow, blue, green... . Gules wild flower resembles fire, of yellow give off light like gold. The scenery of summer but true beauty!
All the year round, the United States is picturesque, namely summerly elder sister is the most beautiful.
Children like summer eat ice cream. Children like a lot of amused sport.
Of course I am not exceptional also, in Eden of small bee composition we played the game of moraine head today, I piled a this word, word of a day, still piled a person. Still the classmate piled glacial word, igneous word. Zhong Jiaming and the word that collect world man piled a teacher to be not guessed " glacial fire " this word, still saying is " Shui Aihuo ability is harmonious, not incompatible " , can be originality king really!
The scenery of summer is really beautiful, game but really amused!
Judge: The scenery of summer is very beautiful, the game of summer is very interesting.
Duan Hao rain
Summer, true beauty!
The Sunday of summer, I keep operation, ground of my too impatient to wait runnings to the room to look for the summer wear of multicoloured, wait for me to wear the summer clothing of good multicoloured, had worn my cruel walk along a shoe to go out. When I open the door, unexpected telephone call rang, my heart thinks, well, who be hit?
Without giving thought to, I go be being received, I listen, father is hit, father says: "Do not go does Shang Hu play? " I say: "Go! " I skip with joy 3 rule are high, I arrive below go waiting for my father. To Shang Hu, I see me 3 aunts are swimming, I give her with respect to one foot walk in water, passed a little while again, I saw the Tang Dynasty to nimble, I call him, run over, threw one Jiao.
Really happy, play happily already, bathed again.
I love summer
Zhong Jiaming
Today, we did a game to cry in small bee " place rock " , everybody does not say to know game is regular, take a few stone to place namely. I and Luo Shiding placed a lot of things one group, have Luo Shixi's name, also have my name, have extreme misery and life, still placed fire to add water. We are to place fire and water first, the inter should wear a few air, put in fire and water like the stone of love next among. A little while, the teacher saw, she asks me: What thing is this? I say: "You are guessed. " she says: "Fire and water. " I say: "NO, NO, this is the meaning of igneous love water, the love among represents love, it is igneous love water.
I love summer, because summer can place rock, but can not place in the winter, because stone comes from the fish out in the river, the water in the winter is very cold, do not scoop up came up.
Judge: Game originality is novel, the composition is written wonderfully. It is a too clever child really.
Luo Shiding
Today, I learn a composition in small bee, I and bell home inscription are playing the originality of summer again, this, we are to use stone, can go up answering is to use paper.
The teacher gives us 6 terms, it is respectively: Summer sorching, burning sun sorching...
The teacher calls us to pile a word with stone, still can pile pictographic word. We piled water and fire, day and month, still have " Luo Shiding " and " Zhong Jiaming " , still piled " Shui Aihuo " , but everybody knows incompatible, but we think water and fire should become a friend, want only so " Shui Aihuo " , the world does not have a war.
The 2nd class, the teacher still praises I and Zhong Jiaming, we are very glad, I keep this job into the composition.
Judge: Very reasonable, and be very distinctive view, the angle that only clever cerebral melon never just can be the same as considers an issue.
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